If you have clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient skills you can build on these. I hold classes and workshops online to practice and strengthen these skills in order for you to give an honest, caring, loving message. However to live in this world as it were, it requires you to know who you are and commit to that healing process: Live it daily, not just dip in and out. This is not a service reserved for Sundays! Our healing journey demands of us to lend our shoulder to the wheel and put in the hard graft of self-awareness and growth. Is it worth it? Absolutely! Is it easy? At times yes and at times absolutely not, but stick with it and get to know and like the authentic you and feel so much more comfortable and confident with who you are. And that is of great value in itself. Work toward forgiving and accepting the past You and others/situations because this will ultimately help you.
I recommend books and further courses, workshops and practices to strengthen your skills, such as meditation and mindfulness. Be open to that which is all around you, it’s there to help you grow. Be kind, but not a walk over. Be accountable to yourself: the victim mentality is debilitating and takes away your power. You hold the power within yourself to do this, all the time being respectful of others.
As you set out on this healing and learning process be aware and open to other tools that can help you. This can also be in the form of others. I have a fantastic network of therapists etc that I’ve been fortunate to meet and work with over the years, however everyone’s an individual so you must decide with who and what you resonate.
Overall, take responsibility for yourself. Hold that power comfortably and reverentially within yourself. This is the call of our being.
- by Tamara Buckley